Top 5 B2C Marketing Strategies

Date Published
November 24, 2022

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Top 5 B2C Marketing Strategies

In a previous blog post, we covered five different Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing strategies. In that post, I shared with you the best marketing techniques that I would recommend and they were: inbound marketing, account-based marketing, search engine marketing, earned media, and industry events.

In this article, we will discuss the most effective marketing approaches for the most prevalent business type, Business-to-Consumer (B2C).

I will describe B2C marketing briefly, explain why it is essential to have a B2C marketing plan in place, and discuss the top five B2C marketing methods I recommend for any organization.

What is business-to-consumer marketing?

The term "B2C" was first coined in the early 1990s by Jean Kilbourne in an article entitled "Marketing to Women". She was trying to differentiate between different types of advertising and market segments and felt that it was important for marketers to understand how they were different from each other, so they could focus on what they do best - B2C or B2B.


B2C Marketing is one of the most common forms of marketing. It focuses on selling products and services to individual customers for their personal use. B2C marketing is more complex than B2B as it targets a variety of customer segments. It also requires understanding the needs, wants and desires of different types of customers.

B2C marketing encompasses virtually all forms of marketing and advertising that are directed towards consumers. As long as the brand's consumer or target audience is an individual customer and not a company, an industry, or a government agency, the relationship is business-to-consumer. What are my top five recommended business-to-consumer marketing strategies?

Influencer Marketing

Though in recent times I have become an outspoken critic of the use of influencer marketing, due to the increase in user and consumer awareness and education on how to distinguish between paid and organic content, and due to the greed and abuse of many self-proclaimed "influencers" and the true harm they are inflicting on the youth and children, this technique, when used for good, still remains one of the most effective marketing strategies a B2C company can employ.

Influencer marketing promotes companies by using the reputations and social followings of "influencers" in specialized subjects. Influencer endorsements and product placements consistently produce the best returns for B2C businesses, prompting 61% of marketers to incorporate influencer marketing into their strategic planning.


The appeal of influencer marketing is substantial, but caution is advised. Followers are becoming more demanding that influencers disclose their commercial and sponsorship relationships. 20% of an influencer's audience will "unfollow" them if they are not forthcoming, which could negatively impact your marketing results.

Paid Media

To manage their brands, B2C companies do not rely only on influencer and viral marketing or other kinds of earned media. Nearly 75% of B2C marketers publish content via paid media platforms.


At 91%, social media advertising and promoted posts (mainly on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube) are by far the most popular of the paid media options. Search engine marketing (SEM) and pay-per-click are a close second (PPC). Essentially, a corporation purchases a link that displays as an advertisement in search engine results (SERPs) when their product or service-related keywords are searched. Every time an advertisement is clicked, the company pays a modest charge to the search engine – a literal "pay per click."

Audio-Visual Content

This is ideally about audio and video content, two of the most prominent B2C developments. 33% of B2C marketers already use short-form video, and that number is expected to roughly increase in the next year. Why? Video is a social media staple. It drives marketing tactics for improving brand recognition (49%), product promotion (44%), and revenue (43%).

In the B2C market, audio content, notably podcasts, has been reluctant to gain traction, but this is changing for a number of reasons. There is a growing demand for immersive brand experiences centered on video and audio engagement, and there is the power of voice. It is believed that bigger market segments can be addressed when people and messages engage on a more "human" level with listeners.



Ecommerce is a pillar of B2C. In 2021, an estimated 2.41 billion individuals worldwide purchased goods and services online, so competition is intense. Intelligent marketers view the epidemic-driven rise in ecommerce engagement as an opportunity to develop a customer-centric, dynamic marketing approach. In addition to the aforementioned strategies, there is a concentrated effort to improve site personalisation, the mobile shopping user experience, and subscription services. Maintaining flexibility and responsiveness in the ecommerce industry looks to be the key to capturing a portion of the predicted $6.5 trillion in 2023 sales (22% of global retail sales).


Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is a real-time interaction through a chatbot or live chat that places the right information in front of prospects and customers at the right time, enables them to opt for self-service (a growing demand for 40% of customers), and provides immediate answers to questions (a top priority for 75% of customers).

Personalization and relevance significantly enhance the user experience, but there are additional benefits for B2Cs. Businesses have the potential to "humanize" their brands by sharing the stories behind them and displaying their core values when they engage in meaningful interactions. Almost 75% of customers purchase from companies that share their beliefs.

A Postface

There are undoubtedly a variety of other marketing strategies that an organization can utilize and adopt to be successful in B2C marketing, including promotions, direct marketing, in-store marketing, email marketing, and a variety of social media marketing techniques; however, I chose to be less theoretical and more pragmatic by highlighting five strategies that have less of a broad meaning and more of a quick, efficient effect on marketers who adopt them.

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