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The Write Habit ✍️


Writing is a journey of growth and discovery. Start small, stay consistent, push through setbacks, and connect authentically. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way about building habits, facing challenges, and even making money—without losing sight of the joy in writing.

Ever notice how everyone's an expert these days? Just look at LinkedIn—people declaring a 'Great day' at events by 10 am, as if an hour of networking unlocked life's secrets. It's wild how the emptiest content gets the loudest applause, while genuine reflections often go unnoticed in the noise.

In 2024, brands are still jumping into TikTok dance trends, chasing virality as if it guarantees success. But is a dance challenge really the answer? This article explores why brands should focus on authenticity, audience alignment, and meaningful engagement over fleeting trends.

Broetry on LinkedIn—shallow, one-liner posts chasing clicks—may capture attention, but it’s built on empty promises. In this post, I break down why broetry won’t last and why real thought leadership, rooted in value, will rise above the noise.

The outside world loves to label people as “resilient.” and admire from a distance, nodding in approval, patting you on the back for your supposed strength. They don’t see the invisible weights, the quiet moments of breaking down when no one’s watching.

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