It's 3 AM. You bolt upright, eyes wide. The greatest idea you've ever had just hit you like a freight train.

You fumble for your phone, squinting at the blinding light. Fingers flying, you type furiously, capturing every brilliant detail.

Satisfied, you drift back to sleep, a smile playing on your lips. Tomorrow, you'll change the world.

Morning comes. You reach for your phone, eager to revisit your stroke of genius.

But there's nothing there. No notes. No revolutionary concept. Just the fading memory of brilliance, slipping away like sand through your fingers.

Sound familiar?

We've all been there. That fleeting moment when creativity strikes, only to vanish with the dawn.

It's frustrating. Maddening, even. But here's the thing – those midnight ideas? They're not wasted.

They're sparks. Catalysts. Each one, whether remembered or forgotten, shapes your thinking. They're part of the creative process, even if they don't make it to the finish line.

So next time inspiration strikes at an ungodly hour, embrace it. Jot it down if you can, sure. But if it slips away, don't despair.

Remember, creativity isn't about capturing every idea. It's about cultivating a mindset that welcomes them, day or night.

Who knows? Maybe that elusive midnight spark will reignite when you least expect it, leading to something even greater.

After all, in the world of ideas, it's not about what time inspiration strikes. It's about being ready when it does.