Is Forbes Losing It’s Credibility? 🤔

I came across this article this morning, and it hits on something we’re all thinking but rarely say out loud. Forbes—once considered a beacon of business journalism—is now more of a glorified SEO machine. 🤯

Forbes has essentially turned into a “Parasite SEO Company”. The way they manipulate rankings, push affiliate content, and dominate search results in categories you would never think Forbes would lead in, let alone have an article about, like pet insurance, CBD gummies, and even cockroach infestations is just mind-boggling. Since when did Forbes become an authority on these topics?

This isn’t just about Forbes either. Many so-called “prestigious” publications have followed suit, and a handful in this region as well, with their “Faces to Watch” and “X under X” and other paid-for headlines. It’s all about clicks, money, and SEO rankings. And yet, we all know it, but rarely talk about it openly. Why? Because in our social circles, it’s frowned upon to criticize these institutions, we are “afraid” we will be isolated! We’d rather stay silent than speak the truth we all see.

It’s a harsh reality of the current content landscape: we glorify anything, share anything, participate in anything—even when there’s no real business value at the end of the day. Isn’t it time we start calling this out for what it is. Demand more meaningful, helpful, intellectual content? I believe we should be more discerning in where we place our trust.

Highly recommend this article for anyone interested in this unfortunate reality of times we live in.